Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Shot Notes For Camera A, Day 2 of SJRMC Shoot

Scene: Finale

Shot A, Take 1: Group Entry From Right, Pan Left, Medium Shot
Shot A, Take 2: Good Take

Shot B, Take 1: Circle, High Long Static shot
Shot B, Take 2: Same

Shot C, Take 1: Close up, Dancing
Shot C, Take 2: Same

Shot D, Take 1: Close Up, Sitting on Fountain-Feet, BAD Shot
Shot D, Take 2: Good shot, no slate
Shot D, Take 3: Good Shot
Shot D, Take 4, Good Shot

Shot E, Take 1: Carlos on Fountain, Awesome

Scene: Patient Interaction

A,1: Coming off elevator, patient in wheelchair, Mid shot
A,2: Good shot, nurse too bubbly

B, 1: Wheelchair being pushed into room, slow pan
B, 2: No Slate?
B, 3: GOOD

C, 1: Helping patient into bed, GOOD

D, 1: Nurse Kneeling with patient, over the shoulder shot, Good

E, 1: Nurse taking blood pressure, Good

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